Metallic Random Packing
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Metal Intalox Saddle Ring
Release date: 2015-10-11 & Source: & Views: 1068
  • Metal Intalox Saddle Ring
    1. Used in mass transfer towers 
    2. Used in deep vacuum towers 
    3. Low cost 
    Metal Intalox Saddle Ring is high performance random packing successfully used in mass transfer towers both small and large diameter. It is frequently used in deep vacuum towers where low pressure drop is crucial and also high pressure towers where capacity significantly exceeds conventional trays. Metal Intalox Saddle Ring or metal saddle is available in various sizes, which give different combinations of efficiency and pressure drop.
    low pressure drop and high efficiency
    large effective interfacial area
    high mechanical strength 
    low cost
    Transfer towers both small and large diameter
    Deep vacuum towers where low pressure drop is crucial and also high pressure towers where capacity significantly exceeds conventional trays 
    Distillation, absorption etc 
    High pressure towers

    Technical Parameter:

The product name:Metal Intalox Saddle Ring
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